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How to: 找到 Azure Publisher / Offer / SKU 之正確名稱


  • 依序找 Publisher > Offer > SKU > Version
  • 針對特定 Version 接受 Terms
  • urn 格式為 publisher:offer:sku:version

使用 Azure CLI 指令

# 找全部的內容 (會跑很久)
az vm image list --location southeastasia --output table --all

# 列舉 Publishers
az vm image list-publishers --location southeastasia --output table

# 列舉特定 Publisher 所有的 Offers
az vm image list-offers --location southeastasia --publisher Canonical --output table

# 列舉特定 Publisher 特定 Offer 所有的 SKUs
az vm image list-skus --location southeastasia --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --output table

# 列舉特定 Publisher 特定 Offer 特定的 SKU 所有的 Version
az vm image list --location southeastasia --publisher Canonical --offer UbuntuServer --sku 18.04-LTS --all --output table

# 列出特定 Image 的資訊
az vm image show --location westus --urn Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest
az vm image show --location westus --urn bitnami:rabbitmq:rabbitmq:latest

# 同意條款
az vm image terms accept --urn bitnami:rabbitmq:rabbitmq:latest


尋找 f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5 旅程

# 於 eastus 列舉 Publishers - f5-networks
$ az vm image list-publishers --location eastus --output tsv | grep f5-networks
None    /Subscriptions/xxxx/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/eastus/Publishers/f5-networks    eastus  f5-networks     None

# 於 eastus 列舉特定 Publisher: f5-networks 所有的 Offers
$ az vm image list-offers --location eastus --publisher f5-networks --output table
Location    Name
----------  ---------------------------------------------
eastus      f5-big-ip-advanced-waf
eastus      f5-big-ip-best
eastus      f5-big-ip-better
eastus      f5-big-ip-byol
eastus      f5-big-ip-cloud-edition
eastus      f5-big-ip-good
eastus      f5-big-ip-per-app-ve
eastus      f5-big-iq
eastus      f5-distributed-cloud-bot-defense-service-node
eastus      f5-web-application-firewall

# 於 eastus 列舉特定 Publisher: f5-networks 特定 Offer: f5-big-ip-better 所有的 SKUs
$ az vm image list-skus --location eastus --publisher f5-networks --offer f5-big-ip-better --output table
Location    Name
----------  -------------------------------------------------
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-10g-better-hourly
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-10g-better-hourly-po-0
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-10g-better-hourly-po-f5
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-1g-better-hourly
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-1g-better-hourly-po-0
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-1g-better-hourly-po-f5
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-200m-better-hourly
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-200m-better-hourly-po-0
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-200m-better-hourly-po-f5
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-0
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-5g-better-hourly
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-5g-better-hourly-po-0
eastus      f5-bigip-virtual-edition-5g-better-hourly-po-f5

# 於 eastus 列舉特定 Publisher: f5-networks 特定 Offer: f5-big-ip-better 特定的 SKU: f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly 之所有 Version
$ az vm image list --location eastus --publisher f5-networks --offer f5-big-ip-better --sku f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly --all --output tsv --query '[].[version, urn]'
16.1.303000     f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000

# 於 eastus 針對 f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000 的詳細資訊
$ az vm image show --location westus --urn f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000
  "location": "westus",
  "name": "16.1.303000",
  "osDiskImage": {
    "operatingSystem": "Linux",
    "sizeInGb": 84
  "plan": {
    "name": "f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5",
    "product": "f5-big-ip-better",
    "publisher": "f5-networks"
  "tags": null

# 於 eastus 針對 f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000 顯示 terms
$ az vm image terms show --urn f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000
  "accepted": false,
  "id": "/subscriptions/xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offerTypes/VirtualMachine/publishers/f5-networks/offers/f5-big-ip-better/plans/f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5/agreements/current",
  "licenseTextLink": "",
  "marketplaceTermsLink": "",
  "name": "f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5",
  "plan": "f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5",
  "privacyPolicyLink": "",
  "product": "f5-big-ip-better",
  "publisher": "f5-networks",
  "retrieveDatetime": "2023-02-04T17:28:39.2281171Z",
  "systemData": {
    "createdAt": "2023-02-04T17:28:39.353095+00:00",
    "createdBy": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
    "createdByType": "ManagedIdentity",
    "lastModifiedAt": "2023-02-04T17:28:39.353095+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
    "lastModifiedByType": "ManagedIdentity"
  "type": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offertypes"

# 於 eastus 針對 f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000 接受 Terms
$ az vm image terms accept --urn f5-networks:f5-big-ip-better:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-25m-better-hourly-po-f5:16.1.303000
  "accepted": true,

尋找 RHEL (PAYG) 旅程

# 於 eastus 列舉 Publishers - redhat
$ az vm image list-publishers --location eastus --output tsv --query '[].[name]' | grep redhat -i
RedHat <- 這個才是對的

# 於 eastus 列舉特定 Publisher: redhat 所有的 Offers
$ az vm image list-offers --location eastus --publisher redhat --output table
Location    Name
----------  ------------------------
eastus      alfredtestoffer
eastus      osa
eastus      rh-ocp-worker
eastus      rh-oke-worker
eastus      rh-opp-worker
eastus      rh-rhel
eastus      RHEL
eastus      rhel-arm64
eastus      rhel-byos
eastus      rhel-byos-test
eastus      rhel-cpp-test
eastus      RHEL-HA
eastus      rhel-raw
eastus      RHEL-SAP
eastus      RHEL-SAP-APPS
eastus      RHEL-SAP-HA
eastus      rhel-sig-publishing-test
eastus      RHEL-TEST
eastus      rhel_test_offers
eastus      rh_rhel_7_latest
eastus      rh_rhel_7_vm
eastus      rh_rhel_8_latest
eastus      rh_rhel_8_main_1
eastus      rh_rhel_8_vm
eastus      test_offer_china

# 於 eastus 列舉特定 Publisher: redhat 特定 Offer: rhel 所有的 SKUs
$ az vm image list-skus --location eastus --publisher redhat --offer rhel --output table
Location    Name
----------  ----------
eastus      6.10
eastus      7-LVM
eastus      7-RAW
eastus      7-RAW-CI
eastus      7.2
eastus      7.3
eastus      7.3-DAILY
eastus      7.4
eastus      7.5
eastus      7.6
eastus      7.7
eastus      7.8
eastus      74-gen2
eastus      75-gen2
eastus      76-gen2
eastus      77-gen2
eastus      78-gen2
eastus      79-gen2
eastus      7lvm-gen2
eastus      7_9
eastus      8
eastus      8-BETA
eastus      8-gen2
eastus      8-LVM
eastus      8-lvm-gen2
eastus      8.1
eastus      8.1-ci
eastus      8.2
eastus      81-ci-gen2
eastus      81gen2
eastus      82gen2
eastus      83-gen2
eastus      84-gen2
eastus      85-gen2
eastus      86-gen2
eastus      87-gen2
eastus      8_3
eastus      8_4
eastus      8_5
eastus      8_6
eastus      8_7
eastus      9-lvm
eastus      9-lvm-gen2
eastus      90-gen2
eastus      91-gen2
eastus      9_0
eastus      9_1

# 於 eastus 列舉特定 Publisher: redhat 特定 Offer: rhel 特定的 SKU: 8_6 之所有 Version
$ az vm image list --location eastus --publisher redhat --offer rhel --sku 8_6 --all --output tsv --query '[].[version, urn]'
8.6.2022052401  RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2022052401
8.6.2022070801  RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2022070801
8.6.2022103101  RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2022103101
8.6.2023010501  RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2023010501
8.6.2022060901  RedHat:rhel-arm64:8_6-arm64:8.6.2022060901
8.6.2022052401  RedHat:rhel-raw:8_6:8.6.2022052401
8.6.2022052401  RedHat:RHEL-SAP-APPS:8_6:8.6.2022052401
8.6.2022081801  RedHat:RHEL-SAP-APPS:8_6:8.6.2022081801
8.6.2022052401  RedHat:RHEL-SAP-HA:8_6:8.6.2022052401
8.6.2022081801  RedHat:RHEL-SAP-HA:8_6:8.6.2022081801
8.6.2022111601  RedHat:RHEL-SAP-HA:8_6:8.6.2022111601
8.6.202301301   RedHat:RHEL-SAP-HA:8_6:8.6.202301301

# 於 eastus 針對 RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2023010501 顯示 terms
$ az vm image terms show --urn RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2023010501
Image 'RedHat:RHEL:8_6:8.6.2023010501' has no terms to accept.

尋找並接受 VMware SD-WAN 旅程

$ az vm image list-publishers --location eastus --output tsv --query '[].[name]' | grep vmware-inc -i

$ az vm image list-offers --location eastus --publisher vmware-inc --output table
Location    Name
----------  -------------------------------
eastus      euc-hcs-edgegw
eastus      euc-hcs-jumpbox
eastus      euc-hcs-jumpbox-sig-test
eastus      euc-hcs-podmgr
eastus      euc-hcs-sn-sig-test
eastus      euc-hcs-uag
eastus      euc-hcs-uag-sig-test
eastus      nsx-cloud-service-manager
eastus      nsx-cloud-service-manager-test
eastus      nsx-csm-trial
eastus      nsx-mgr-trial
eastus      nsx-pcg-trial
eastus      nsx-policy-manager
eastus      nsx-policy-manager-test
eastus      nsx-public-cloud-gateway
eastus      nsx-public-cloud-gateway-test
eastus      sol-42222-bbj
eastus      tkg-capi
eastus      tkg-capi-2022-06-24
eastus      vmware_blockchain_node
eastus      vmware_blockchain_orchestrator
eastus      vrealize-operations-cloud-proxy

$ az vm image list-skus --location eastus --publisher vmware-inc --offer sol-42222-bbj --output table
Location    Name
----------  ---------------
eastus      vmware_sdwan_4x

$ az vm image list --location eastus --publisher vmware-inc --offer sol-42222-bbj --sku vmware_sdwan_4x --all --output tsv --query '[].[version, urn]'
4.2.1   vmware-inc:sol-42222-bbj:vmware_sdwan_4x:4.2.1

$ az vm image terms show --urn vmware-inc:sol-42222-bbj:vmware_sdwan_4x:4.2.1
  "accepted": false,

$ az vm image terms accept --urn vmware-inc:sol-42222-bbj:vmware_sdwan_4x:4.2.1
  "accepted": true,
